Friday, July 17, 2009

I'll be back

I think we all know where this is going to be leading...

From Learning 3D

From Learning 3D

From Learning 3D

If I get real motivated I'll document how I model it in Houdini. For rigging I'd refer everyone to check out the Technical Rigging DVD's at 3D Buzz.


DarkSunPlayer said...
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DarkSunPlayer said...

Firstly: Yes, show how you model! One place that seems untouched in Houdini is modeling and doing a tutorial or an accelerated screen recording would be cool. (I think a video tutorial showing some modeling lessons learned would be ideal._

Secondly: You actually watched the whole rigging series? Alas, I just can't commit to that many hours of training!

P.S. Sorry for the deleted comment above - I couldn't live with some spelling errors.